Our signature exterior detailing service ensures your vehicle is shining like new. We start by giving your car a thorough washing, including the wheels and tires. Then, we apply a wax to the entire exterior. This wax provides a protective layer on the paint and helps to prevent rust and corrosion. We also clean all windows and mirrors and use a special solution to remove any bugs or debris.
Once your exterior is looking great, we move on to the trim. We clean the trim and rubber seals to ensure they remain in good condition. We also make sure to clear any dirt or debris from the crevices and hard to reach areas of your car. Finally, we finish off the detailing with an applied paint sealant to protect the clear coat from UV rays and environmental contaminants.
At Heritage Car Detailing, our goal is to make sure your car looks great and you are satisfied with the experience.
Contact us today to book an appointment!
Affordable Prices for a Great Service
We offer a wide range of services tailored to meet your specific requirements.
When it comes to car detailing, Heritage Car Detailing stands out as the preferred choice. Our dedication to providing exceptional service and unmatched expertise sets us apart from the rest. Our team of car enthusiasts takes a people-first approach, understanding your unique needs and delivering tailored solutions that match your requirements. We believe in quality over quantity, focusing on one car at a time to ensure meticulous attention to detail.
With many cumulative years of experience in the industry, our reputation for excellence precedes us. We are not just detailers; we are artists, transforming vehicles into works of art. Our commitment to using the finest products and the latest techniques guarantees results that exceed expectations. Moreover, we are a local business, deeply rooted in the local community. Supporting us means supporting the growth and prosperity of our neighborhood.
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